Project 7: Web Page

Screen Shot 2016-06-25 at 9.27.40 AM

  1. Description: This is a web page created with HTML and CSS in order to display an original logo I created along with describing the process behind creating the logo.
  2. Process: I first wrote out the code for the website in an HTML document on Text Wrangler thus creating the skeleton of the website. I then created a CSS document using the same coding software. I made sure everything was right by using a text validator online to look for any kinks that were causing my code to not work.  Once I was able to get the two documents put together and working I threw in some creativity. I used the same color of blue from my logo on the heading of the page. I then outlined the box with black to match the color of the hose which makes the “2.” I originally had the body text the same blue as the heading but I later changed it to black to make it more readable. I left the headers blue to add contrast. I put the image of a man using shotcrete in the background to help identify what the logo is advertising. With an image in the background, the box with all the text and logo was blocking off most of the background image so I looked up on Google how to change the opacity. That was a simple job on CSS.
  3. Message: G2B is a company that specializes in shotcrete, shoring and grout work.
  4. Audience: Construction companies and industries that require shotcrete, shoring and grout work.
  5. Top Thing Learned: Coding software is very powerful and makes the job of coding quite simple. CSS was fun to figure out how to make things look nice.
  6. Color scheme and color hex(s): Monochromatic blue. Blue: #1D4486 Black: #000000 White: #FFF
  7. Title Font Families & Category: Arial Black, Sans-serif
  8. Copy Font Families & Category: Arial, Sans-Serif
  9. Changes made to the CSS: I changed the font families and the colors to match my logo. I also changed the background from a solid color to an image.
  10. Word Count: 296 not counting headings.

Project 6: Stationary


  1. Description: Custom stationary using an original logo design that matches throughout.
  2. Process: I created the logo using Adobe Illustrator. The “GB” was created using a simple text box and then resizing and adjustment of the letters. The “2” was made out of simple shapes over a typed 2 in order to make sure the curves and angles were correct. I used the ruler guides to create a grid and copied and pasted a line I created until the grid was made. The concrete background was made with simple shapes as well.
  3. Message: I want it to be clear that the company is in the business of shotcrete shoring and grout. Each component of the design is made up of one of those three things. The background represents what shotcrete and shoring looks like. The hose also represents spraying shotcrete and pumping grout.
  4. Audience: This is targeted at construction companies that will require shotcrete shoring and or grout.
  5. Top Thing Learned: I learned a lot more about how to create images from scratch on Illustrator.
  6. Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic Blue accented with grey and black.
  7. Title Font Name & Category: Scream Real, Sans Serif
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Timeless, Serif


Project 5: Logos


  1. Description: Three different logos advertising a custom cabinet business which utilize three different ideas and color schemes.
  2. Process: This project was done solely with Adobe Illustrator. I inserted a color wheel image to ensure my color schemes were correct. I mainly used the shape tools along with the pen tool. I played around with the perspective tool which allowed me to create the box in the bottom logo.
  3. Message: I wanted the logos to have colors and designs that relate to cabinetry and wood working. The designs should easily convey that the company is a cabinet building company.
  4. Audience: Anyone who is looking to purchase custom cabinets.
  5. Top Thing Learned: The major lesson I learned was how to create images with the shape tool.
  6. Color Scheme and Color Names: Top, Analogous: Brick Orange Gold. Middle, Triadic: Orange, Teal, Indigo. Bottom, Monochromatic: Orange.
  7. Title / Body Font Names & Categories: Top: Libel Suite Regular: Sans Serif. Middle: Libel Suite Regular: Sans Serif. Bottom: Vonique 64: Slab.